Is Facebook Gearing Up To Take On LinkedIn?

According to an industry insider, Facebook is gearing up to launch a professional version of its popular social network in the coming months.

The new platform will be dubbed “Facebook At Work” and will compete directly with services such as LinkedIn.

The new service will allow users to send and receive messages and share documents using Facebook’s native scrolling news feed. Users of the new professional network will also recognize other features from the consumer version of Facebook integrated into the platform.

Everyone’s heard of the workplace problems caused by individuals mixing their professional and social activities. This new service will allow users to create a profile that is distinctly separate from their existing Facebook profiles.

Fortunately, pictures of the late night out before the early Monday morning meeting won’t be showing up for the boss to see!

While it is reported that the new version will not require a paid subscription fee, how Facebook plans to monetize it is still unclear.

The bulk of Facebook’s current revenue comes from ads that appear on its existing service and how these may or may not play a role in the new one is yet to be revealed.

Would you use a Facebook professional network? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!