Janet Jackson Announces New Album, Tour & “Movement” [Video]

Janet Jackson is back! The pop songstress took to Twitter over the weekend to announce she will be releasing a new album, a new tour, and starting a whole new movement.

Using the hashtag #ConversationInACafe Jackson released a sultry sounding, 32-second video that showed only a soundboard as this message played: ” I promised you’d hear it from my lips. And now you will. This year. New music. New world tour. A new movement. I’ve been listening. Let’s keep the conversation going.”

In addition to her Twitter feed, the video was also posted on her website; you can see the video below.

No word yet when any of this will be happening, but fans are excited nonetheless.

For months there had been speculation that Jackson would be making a comeback; at the time she said that if and when she had something to announce “the fans would hear it from my lips”. She made good on that promise.

Jackson has not released an album since 2008, the forgettable “Discipline”. It will be interesting to see the scope and sound of this new album.

Are you excited to hear Janet Jackson is back?  Tell us what you think below.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Tracy Ortiz

I am a mom to 2 little boys: a 10 year- old and an 8 year-old and they are the only things I love more than writing. I am an avid reader, a big sports fan and love a good deal. Most of all, I love keeping up on the latest consumer news and sharing my findings with all of you. When I'm not writing I'm painting- check out my latest in my shop: etsy.com/shop/paintmeapicstudios