One of the highlights of going to a live baseball game is the possibility of catching a foul ball from the stands. However small the chance, it’s still worth the ticket price for some. Not everyone understands the value of those much-desired fly balls. One child certainly didn’t.
During the game between the San Francisco Giants and the Cleveland Indians, Adres Torres hit a foul ball out of play. In the customary fashion of Major League Baseball, a new ball was tossed into play and the game went forward.
In a surprise move, however, the foul ball was thrown back onto the field by a young boy, who apparently didn’t understand the treasure. Watch this:
Quite a few people were amazed at the way this child launched the ball back onto the playing field. The boy’s dad appeared to be as surprised as the announcers. Apparently, Dad wanted that foul ball.
No doubt, Dad will explain to him about hanging on to the foul ball before their next trip to a Major League ball game.