Levi’s Jeans, shirts, shorts, and other clothing is up to 75% off, today only, through Levi’s Semi-Annual Sale. Free shipping is also included during the sale.
The sale, through Levi’s official site, Levi.com, includes items in the Men’s, Women’s, Junior’s, and kid and baby’s sections. In the men’s section, 121 items are included in the sale, mostly jeans and shorts. The women’s section has 184 items in the sale, with a larger variety. A large number of women’s jeans are on sale, but also dresses, rompers, shorts, and skirts. The junior’s section has just 25 items, all jeans and shorts. The kid’s and baby’s sections are broken down by age and has over 100 items discounted, including many styles of jeans and jean jackets.
The sale goes until midnight tonight. Levi’s goes by Eastern Standard Time.