MSN TV Shut Down – Subscriptions End 9/30 – Details

MSN TV Shut Down – Subscriptions End 9/30 – Details

MSN TV (formerly known by the name WebTV) is now history. Microsoft had decided to shut down the service.

WebTV was one the first ever Internet access services available on a television set. It will close September 30th, according to Microsoft.

The news was revealed through an e-mail that was sent to subscribers. Further proof can be found in the FAQ file on the official web site.

Microsoft bought WebTV in 1997. They renamed it MSN TV in 2001, in an attempt to make it easier to integrate various services like MSN Hotmail and Messenger.

However, as time passed, the service did not grow in popularity as much as Microsoft expected. In addition, with Microsoft’s focus on the Xbox console, MSN TV becomes useless.

In a statement, Microsoft said:

WebTV (later called MSN TV) started in 1996 with the goal to bring new people ‘online’ and to give those already online an easy, hassle-free means of accessing the internet from the comfort of their homes. Later, MSN TV 2 was released with vastly greater power and features. Since then, the web has continued to evolve at a breathtaking pace, and there are many new ways to access the internet. Accordingly, we have made the difficult decision to end the MSN TV service on September 30th, 2013. We are working with our customers to ensure the transition is as seamless as possible.

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Adrian Cruce

Adrian Cruce simply loves to write and is always up to date with recent news in the shopping industry. Although Adrian has a totally unrelated college diploma, the passion for writing has led him towards being a part of the NFS team. In the meantime, Adrian runs his own Personal Blog about marketing and personal finance.

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