NBC’s The Voice: Dez Duron Tops Best Episode Ever

NBC’s The Voice: Dez Duron Tops Best Episode Ever

Last night’s episode of NBC’s The Voice debuted the Top 10 finalists.

The night kicked off with a bang as Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton performed “Just a Fool” off Christina’s newly released album Lotus.

Shelton described this week’s performances best, as he declared: “Tonight may very well be the best episode of the Voice we have ever had.”

Amanda Brown gave a stunningly beautiful performance of Grace Potter and the Nocturnals “Stars.”

Her vocals were absolutely flawless. She hit every note to perfection as she sang the song with such grace and deep passion.

Blake commended Brown for offering him such a great way to be introduced to this song.

Christina praised Brown for her very emotional performance, emphasizing how the song complimented how strong her voice is.

Cee-lo who continued to refer to Brown as his “beautiful mistake,” expressed how impressed he is by her and complimented Coach Adam for the good song choice.

Adam explained the big risk in performing a song that not many are really privy to, but the risk definitely paid off.

Another stellar performance was Nicholas David’s heartfelt performance of Bill Withers’ “Lean on Me.”

It is such a joy to watch David perform because he truly does sing with his soul, as guest mentor Jennifer Hudson stated in the video package that displayed rehearsals.

Adam applauded David for his ambitious song choices, while Blake gave one of the best compliments of the night by explaining how he felt as though he was watching a musical legend perform.

Christina articulated how David’s performance was soothing for her soul. She expressed the performance was “warm and rich like chicken soup going down. It was a genius song choice. It felt so good and so right. A definite home-run for you.”

The break-out performance of the night definitely goes to Dez Duron’s performance of Michael Buble’s “Feeling Good.”

It was a brilliant song choice and signified the ideal genre of music he fits into as a young and timeless crooner.

Cee-lo highlighted how much he loved the performance. He specifically stated: “It was a nice way to cap off the evening. It was a wonderful rendition of the song. I am impressed you can sing as well as you can. The soul and articulation is in you. I like what you do.”

Blake explained it best as he proclaimed: “We have all known you are a star for two seasons now, so congrats to figuring out where you fit in musically.”

Christina emphasized how proud she was as Duron’s coach. She affirmed, “You brought stage presence, dug deep and made everyone’s heart melt.”

Who was your favorite performance of the night?

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Berenice Famili

As a graduate of the University of Oregon, Berenice finally realized that her passion is to thoroughly entertain and inform through her writing.
She loves offering her unique perspective on all things entertainment as a NFS contributor. On the side, she enjoys updating her blog: TenaciousTwin. Follow her on twitter @BereniceFamili

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