Netflix Introduces New “My List” Feature

Netflix Introduces New “My List” Feature

Netflix has recently introduced a new feature called “My List.”

What exactly is this “My List” feature?

Well, it is basically a new way to save titles of movies and tv shows you desire to watch to your own special row on Netflix.

It specifically allows all of Netflix’s streaming members to have a user-friendly and organized way to instantly find the titles you have picked to watch.

All you have to do is simply click “Add to My List” when you stumble upon a title you are interested in viewing.

Once you have selected several titles to your list, your list will appear as a row, but you can even view your list in more detail by opting for a gallery view.

Another great feature of “My List” is the informative details that are provided for titles chosen in your list.

In particular, Netflix will display a special tag for your chosen TV series that have new seasons, while also displaying a special message if a title on your list will soon no longer be available on Netflix due to a possible expiration of rights to stream.

For more information on The “My List” Feature check out this video:

What are your thoughts on Netflix’s “My List” feature?

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Berenice Famili

As a graduate of the University of Oregon, Berenice finally realized that her passion is to thoroughly entertain and inform through her writing.
She loves offering her unique perspective on all things entertainment as a NFS contributor. On the side, she enjoys updating her blog: TenaciousTwin. Follow her on twitter @BereniceFamili

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