New Tablet For Kids 5 & Up Launched: The $150 Tabeo

New Tablet For Kids 5 & Up Launched: The $150 Tabeo

Toys R Us is now interested in competing with the Amazon Kindle Fire and the Apple iPad in the tablet market, but is taking a new twist by introducing a tablet for kids.

The new tablet, called Tabeo, is now available for $150, exclusively through the Toys R Us website.

The timing is right for the launch of the new kid oriented 7 inch tablet. Many retailers launched various social networking campaigns that are targetting young users. Tabeo lead marketer, Troy Peterson, declared: “Kids are looking for a tablet of their own that can do everything from listening to music to playing with games.”

There are various tablets that have tried to do the same thing that Tabeo is doing at the moment. Unfortunately, they all failed. Tabeo is basically geared towards users that are as young as five years old and includes educational apps that are pre-loaded and a special app store that will only offer children access to certain programs. Parents can block all mature content.

According to analysts, children will be a big part of tablet sales during the upcoming holiday season. There are many families that are expected to purchase a new tablet and simply hand down the old models to children. In 2013 it’s expected that around 180 million tablets will be purchased, according to a study performed by Gartner.

Michael Allenson, Martiz Research strategic director of research, said:

“Kids are getting tablets very young and are growing up very mobile. Initially we thought people would buy just one tablet for the entire household, but what happened was everyone in the family wanted their own.”

Only time will tell if Tabeo will be a success, but at first glance, it appears to be the most advanced tablet for kids that can be bought with child related protection features included.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Adrian Cruce

Adrian Cruce simply loves to write and is always up to date with recent news in the shopping industry. Although Adrian has a totally unrelated college diploma, the passion for writing has led him towards being a part of the NFS team. In the meantime, Adrian runs his own Personal Blog about marketing and personal finance.