Phone Power Outage Reported, Fast Busy Signals, Site Down

Phone Power Outage Reported, Fast Busy Signals, Site Down

VOIP provider Phone Power appears to be having a pretty widespread outage today.

Their website appeared to be down for while as well. At this point it’s unknown if that is related to the outage or just an increase in traffic to the site by affected customers.

A number of our readers reported the outage to us. Upon testing, we found our Phone Power phones here at CP respond with a fast busy signal when outgoing calls are attempted.

We have contacted PhonePower customer service through chat and are presently number 39 in the queue. This story will be updated as additional information comes in.

In the meantime, please tell us about your Phone Power experiences today in the comments section below.


Phone Power appears to be whittling down their chat queues pretty quick. In less than 10 minutes, we received a note saying:

Currently we are experiencing an outage, Some customers devices are not being allowed to pull a configuration file. Please unplug and reconnect the power cord to your phone adapter every 10 minutes until the device is able to download a configuration file and place calls.

According to the customer service agent we had online, the problem began about an hour ago, which would be approximately 2pm Eastern Time/11am Pacific. He did not have an estimate on when the problem that is causing the outage would repaired.


A bit more information has come in via the forums at Phone Power, this from a Phone Power staff member id’d as “Charlie Tech:

We experienced a brief outage on our servers which effected some customers ability to register, make/receive calls, access our website or call our numbers. This outage occurred at 10:40am 12/16 and came back up at 11:02am 12/16. We advise our customers to reboot their hardware every 10 minutes until your device comes back. Right now we have tons of registration requests to our server and it may take some time for your device to catch up. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Jimmy Borough

Jimmy is an assistant editor and a writer here at News For Shoppers. He has more than two decades of experience in the shopping industry, having worked in sales and marketing in both the technology and fashion industries.