This week Humble is offering Steam keys for three Tripwire Interactive games, with a minimum price of $1.
For $1 minimum, shoppers can download the World War II first person shooters: Red Orchestra and Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad (Game of the Year Edition). Both of these games come with their soundtracks available as an MP3 or FLAC download.
Shoppers who choose to pay more than the average donation will also receive the first person co-op shooter, Killing Floor. This game also includes a downloadable copy of its soundtrack and 11 DLC weapon and character packs.
Currently, the average donation is less than $3. This is a massive discount, considering that all three games with DLC currently retail on Steam for an amount just shy of $87.
The Humble Mobile Bundle
Three additional Android games have been added to last week’s Humble Mobile Bundle offer. These three new games will be available exclusively to those who choose to donate more than the average amount.
The Mobile Bundle still includes:
- Contre Jour
- Anomaly Korea (soundtrack included)
- Plants vs. Zombies (soundtrack included)
- Bladeslinger (soundtrack included)
But, shoppers who pay more than the average amount will also now receive:
- Metal Slug 3 (soundtrack included)
- The Room (soundtrack included)
- Funky Smugglers (newly added, with soundtrack included)
- Raiden Legacy (newly added)
- Another World (newly added, with soundtrack included)
At the time of publication, the average donation was $5.56.
Those who have already purchased the Mobile Bundle can still claim the newly added titles. Purchasers need only log in to their Humble Bundle account to be able to access every game they have purchased. Shoppers whose original donation fell short of the average can even increase their donation from their account page, and thus gain access to all of newly introduced games.
All of the games in this bundle are designed for compatible Android devices.
It’s all for a good cause
As with any Humble Bundle deal, you can choose how much or how little you want to pay. The money is split between the Humble Bundle website, the game’s developers and a number of charities.
Proceeds from both Humble Bundles will help support the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child’s Play.
The Humble Weekly Sale and the Humble Mobile Bundle at the Humble Bundle website.
Both these offers end in just six days.
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