Sprint Taking Galaxy S3 Preorders Now For June 21 Delivery

Sprint Taking Galaxy S3 Preorders Now For June 21 Delivery

Sprint-Samsung-Galaxy-S3News concerning the US launch of the Samsung Galaxy S3 is coming in fast and furious early Tuesday morning.

On Monday, Samsung announced that their Galaxy S3 smartphone would be available here in the US this month. Not only that, it will be available on five different US carriers – Sprint, T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, and US cellular. That started a mad scramble amongst the carriers and the media. Which carrier would be the first to start accepting preorders? Which would be the first to get the smartphone into the hands of eager shoppers?

The first question has been answered. Sprint was the first to get their preorder page up and running. As for the delivery date? They say on their site that “We’ll do our best to get it to you before Thursday, June 21.”  Hmmm, perhaps they are hedging their bet due to the reports of Samsung Galaxy S3 page for the latest.

phone credit: Sprint

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Andria Rib

Andria loves to shop and loves to save money when she's shopping! An avid couponer and bargain hunter, Andria regularly cuts her grocery bill in half through purposeful coupon management. She shares her love of shopping, fun, and entertainment, here at News For Shoppers.