The cheapest colleges in the United States are in Florida.
Students pay an average net price of $10,594 for college tuition in Florida, according to recently released study from Self Financial.
The rankings, based on data from the National Center for Educational Statistics, were determined by the average out of pocket costs of students who received financial aid.
Alaska came in second place as the state with the cheapest colleges, with an average net price of $11,064 for college tuition.
West Virginia is ranked as the third cheapest, with an average net tuition of $11,703.
Rounding out the ten cheapest states for college tuition are: New Mexico ($11,874), New York ($12,142), Wyoming ($12,224), Indiana ($12,498), Utah ($12,856), North Carolina ($12,934), California ($13,235), and Texas ($13,508).
Conversely, where are the most expensive colleges?
New Hampshire tops this list, with an average net price of $22,976 for college tuition.
Rounding out the top ten most expensive, we have: Pennsylvania ($20,477), South Carolina ($19,608), Connecticut ($19,524), Vermont ($19,510), Massachusetts ($19,467), Ohio ($19,110), Virginia ($19,043), Delaware ($18,830), and New Jersey ($18,285).
The prices above are based on one full year of college, and do not include books, fees, supplies or board. Only public, four-year, degree-granting institutions were included in the study. Online-only institutions were not included.