It was fun to watch Doctor Who: Dark Water/Death In Heaven in 3D on the big screen.
Interesting thing was… hardly anyone was there.
My daughter and I sat in a huge theater, wearing our silly little 3D glasses, with just a dozen other people in attendance.
Compare that to last year, when Fathom Events offered up the season 8 premiere at theaters. The theater we went to was packed for that one. People where in costumes, playing Doctor Who ringtones and waving around Doctor Who gadgets. That was a blast.
But this year, in the lead up to season 9, we didn’t get the new season 9 premiere in theaters. Instead, we got a re-run of the last two shows from last year.
As I mentioned in an earlier article, it felt like a bit of a cheat, and an overpriced one at that.
Based on our anecdotal evidence, it looks like Doctor Who fans responded by not turning out in big numbers. We don’t have any official box office counts though, Fathom Events doesn’t publish such information.
While going to the movie was fun, those that didn’t (or don’t go tonight) aren’t missing much.
Doctor Who: Dark Water/Death In Heaven in 3D is pretty tame, 3D wise. There are very few ‘wow’ effects. The funnest part is what you would expect – the title sequence and closing credits.
There are two bonus features – the season 9 prequel titled “The Meditation”, and an interview with Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman.
The prequel was interesting, but isn’t in 3D. It should have been. There were some great 3D possibilities there. It didn’t provide much in the way of hints for Season 9, just that the Doctor is preparing for some kind of reckoning with an old “friend”.
The interview, conducted by a scraggly looking Will Wheaten, was interesting for how uncomfortable everyone looked and how boring it was. Capaldi did provide two tips for watching season 9. 1) brush up on Dalek history and 2) be ready to expand our thinking on regeneration.
Doctor Who: Dark Water/Death In Heaven in 3D will be in theaters for one more night – tonight. The Doctor Who season 9 premiere on TV is this Saturday.
Did you go to Doctor Who: Dark Water/Death In Heaven in 3D?
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