Tony Parker Accused Of Affair With Erin Barry

Just a day after Eva Longoria filed for divorce from husband Tony Parker, the San Antonio Spurs player has been accused of cheating with former teammate Brent Barry’s wife Erin.

On Wednesday Eva Longoria filed for divorce in Los Angeles amid rumors that she had found hundreds of texts messages between her husband and a teammates wife. Longoria never mentioned the name of the teammate or the wife but those closest to her said she was devastated by the news.

After the news broke of the divorce and the text messages, sources came out to say that the messages were between Parker and Erin Barry, wife of former Spurs teammate Brent Barry. Those same sources say that though there were messages and they were sexual and flirtatious in nature, nothing ever transpired between the two.

According to family members, Brent Barry filed for divorce from Erin on October 29. It is unknown if the speculated affair between Erin and Parker were to blame for the Barrys divorce.

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Norma Flatman

Norma is a full-time homeschooling mom in addition to being a writer. When not tackling hard subjects like Algebra, she loves writing in general and will give virtually any topic her all. In addition to her writing in the consumer and entertainment field, Norma works as a ghostwriter and has plans to author her own book.

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