Verizon Galaxy Note 2 owners are finally getting Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean.
It has been a long wait, but the carrier has finally decided to push it out.
The roll-out will update the baseband to I605VRAMC3, while the build number will be updated to JZO54K.I605VRAMC3.
The total size of the update is 246.5 MB, and it’s available to download over-the-air.
The update also brings increased compatibility for the multi-window feature, and it will now work with Facebook, Amazon Kindle, YouTube, Gmail, Twitter, Google Talk, Google Maps and Viewdini.
Zappos, an app that came preloaded in the Verizon Galaxy Note 2, will be removed by the update.
The changelog also reveals improvements for Backup Assistant Plus, SMS Text Messaging, VZ Navigator, ISIS Mobile Wallet, Exchange Active Sync (EAS) email and Wi-Fi connectivity.
There are also some improvements made to the Mobile Hotspot feature.
Verizon is expected to push out Android 4.2 for the Galaxy Note 2 future.
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