Weekly Outdoor Gear Deals For November 16, 2012

Make your money go farther with Weekly Outdoor Gear Deals featuring items from Amazon, Land’s End, L.L.Bean and other major online retailers.

This week’s selection of hand-picked items include Cabela’s Euro™ Binoculars, Heritage Chambray Workshirt and Backcountry 3-Person Dome Tent .

Amazon: [Fishing] Countdown to Black Friday: Save up to 40% off selected fishing reels.

Cabelas: [Binoculars] Cabela’s Euro™ Binoculars. Regular Price: $799.99 – $999.99 Sale Price: $599.99 – $699.99.

BassPro: [Knives] Fall Harvest Sale: Elite Electric Carving Knife $14.99.

LandsEnd: [Men’s Clothing] The Heritage Chambray Workshirt was $ 49.50 now $ 18.97.

LLBean: [Camping] Save 25% off Backcountry 3-Person Dome Tent.

REI: [Cycling] Kinetic Road Machine Fluid Bike Trainer save 20%.

SportsmansGuide: [Camping] HQ ISSUE™ 1,000 – lumen Tactical Light. Compare at $180.00, Buyer’s Club Price $89.99.

SierraTradingPost: [Men’s Clothing] Cole Haan Waxed Anorak Jacket (For Men) Save 70%.

EddieBauer: [Travel] World Travel Clock with Flashlight was $19.50 now $11.99 clearance priced.

BackCountry: [Skiing] Swix Alpine Glide Wax Kit 70% off.

Oakley: [Running] Three Palms™ running shoes were $100 now $25.

AlTrec: [Snowsports] Women’s Moxie Snowboard save up to 66% limited stock.

What kind of deals are you shopping for? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Stephen Jeske

Passionate about the outdoors and a fascinated with gear, Stephen is one guy who spends most of his time inside writing about life outside. He tweets regularly about outdoor gear. He also like to drink and write about drinking coffee

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