Make your money go farther with Weekly Outdoor Gear Deals featuring items from Amazon, Land’s End, L.L.Bean and other major online retailers.
This week’s selection of hand-picked items include Cabela’s Euro™ Binoculars, Heritage Chambray Workshirt and Backcountry 3-Person Dome Tent .
Amazon: [Fishing] Countdown to Black Friday: Save up to 40% off selected fishing reels.
Cabelas: [Binoculars] Cabela’s Euro™ Binoculars. Regular Price: $799.99 – $999.99 Sale Price: $599.99 – $699.99.
BassPro: [Knives] Fall Harvest Sale: Elite Electric Carving Knife $14.99.
LandsEnd: [Men’s Clothing] The Heritage Chambray Workshirt was $ 49.50 now $ 18.97.
LLBean: [Camping] Save 25% off Backcountry 3-Person Dome Tent.
REI: [Cycling] Kinetic Road Machine Fluid Bike Trainer save 20%.
SportsmansGuide: [Camping] HQ ISSUE™ 1,000 – lumen Tactical Light. Compare at $180.00, Buyer’s Club Price $89.99.
SierraTradingPost: [Men’s Clothing] Cole Haan Waxed Anorak Jacket (For Men) Save 70%.
EddieBauer: [Travel] World Travel Clock with Flashlight was $19.50 now $11.99 clearance priced.
BackCountry: [Skiing] Swix Alpine Glide Wax Kit 70% off.
Oakley: [Running] Three Palms™ running shoes were $100 now $25.
AlTrec: [Snowsports] Women’s Moxie Snowboard save up to 66% limited stock.
What kind of deals are you shopping for? Let us know by leaving a comment below.