Weekly Outdoor Gear Deals For November 9, 2012

Make your money go farther with Weekly Outdoor Gear Deals featuring items from Amazon, Land’s End, L.L.Bean and other major online retailers.

This week’s selection of hand-picked items include TaylorMade Golf Balls, TaylorMade® Burner® 2.0 Iron Set for Ladies and Thule Roof Boxes.

Amazon: [Golf] Countdown to Black Friday TaylorMade Penta TP5 Golfballs: Buy 2 Dozen, Get the 3rd Free.

Cabelas: [Hunting] Save up to 40% hunting boot sale.

BassPro: [Golf] TaylorMade® Burner® 2.0 Iron Set for Ladies Clearance Sale.

LandsEnd: [Men’s Clothing] Men’s Regular Snow Squall Insulated Jacket $ 139.50 NOW $ 59.99

LLBean: [Camping] Save 20% off Thule Roof Boxes.

REI: [Camping] REI Self Inflating Camp Bed $70-$90.

SportsmansGuide: [Men’s Watch] SEIKO® Coutura Chronograph Watch Compare at $425.00 Buyer’s Club Price $188.99.

SierraTradingPost: [Women’s Clothing] Columbia Sportswear Riva Ridge Jacket – Insulated (For Women) Save 55%.

EddieBauer: [Running] Vapur Hydration Bottle 2-Pack $19.95 now $9.99 clearance priced.

BackCountry: [Snowsports] DAKINE Boot Bag – 1800cu inches 40% off.

Oakley: [Eyewear] Veteran’s Day Sale – SI Enduring™ Pace was $160 now $65.

AlTrec: [Clothing] Patagonia Sale save up to 30% on new items and up to 50% on past-season items.

What kind of deals are you shopping for? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Stephen Jeske

Passionate about the outdoors and a fascinated with gear, Stephen is one guy who spends most of his time inside writing about life outside. He tweets regularly about outdoor gear. He also like to drink and write about drinking coffee

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