Xbox Offers Special Program for Independent Game Developers

Xbox Offers Special Program for Independent Game Developers

The Xbox One continues to make headlines after releasing a special statement to game developers wondering about publishing to the system.

Apparently there will be a special program dedicated solely to game developers for the system which will allow them to publish their work to the cloud with ease.

The program is designed to make the lives of game developers much easier by granting them special permissions if they’re approved for the program.

This is great news for a lot of people who were faced with difficulties in the last version of the console that wanted to get their work online. The company is beginning to immediately accept applications and will continue to review them.

The announcement was made at Gamescom, a mega event for video game developers and gamers in Cologne, Germany.

Charla, a spokeswoman for the company, said “The independent development scene has matured and changed a ton in the past couple of years, so we are acting on that to meet the needs of the development community. We’re really proud to offer this new path onto Xbox One and we’re excited to see what independent developers will build.”

This is very exciting news for not only Microsoft but for those developers who were up in the air in choosing between the PlayStation and Xbox platforms.

All the games that are accepted and published will be sent directly to the same Xbox One Store where you can also get other game titles. This means the indie games will share the same front end as the mega titles we all see on TV. This is a huge stepping stone for the company and industry alike.

Seeing how this program progresses and changes the way that companies handle independent developers is going to be exciting, that’s for sure!

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