Zahra Baker Update: Charges On Hold For Holidays

Last week the Hickory Police turned over an investigation report on the Zahra Baker case to the District Attorney, but they do not expect the charges to come very quickly.

The Hickory Police Chief has reiterated that the investigation is still underway when asked about the progress.

The holidays will prevent key players from making any decisions in the case until the beginning of the year. Although the Grand Jury for Catawba County will hold a session on January 3, it would be nearly impossible to have things ready by then.

Officials have all stated from the beginning that they will not rush the case. They want all evidence in hand and some is not there yet. They are still waiting on results from some lab work to come in.

In areas where remains were found, the memorials continue to grow in size. Residents of the area agree on one fact: regardless of the time it takes they want to see justice prevail.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Norma Flatman

Norma is a full-time homeschooling mom in addition to being a writer. When not tackling hard subjects like Algebra, she loves writing in general and will give virtually any topic her all. In addition to her writing in the consumer and entertainment field, Norma works as a ghostwriter and has plans to author her own book.