Drop Dead Diva: Owen as Stacy’s Baby Daddy?

Drop Dead Diva: Owen as Stacy’s Baby Daddy?

Jane tries to help Stacy serach for a sperm donor in Lifetime’s Drop Dead Diva.

The storyline in the recent episodes of Lifetime’s Drop Dead Diva have gotten a little insane. And not in the good way.

So, a couple of weeks ago, when Stacy (April Bowlby) decided that she wanted to have a child all on her own, I didn’t like the sound of it.

I’m all for independent women power, but it just seemed like a random storyline with no previous build up that didn’t really relate to Stacy at all.

Stacy has always wanted to be a model and actress, but hasn’t seem to be doing any sort of auditions in the most recent seasons. And I guess that could be contributed to the fact that she has been running her Pakery, which sold her original half-cake, half-pie deserts. In this season, she sold her business because she wished she had “more of a life,” and then was free to do whatever she wanted.

And instead of pursuing her acting and modeling fully, or picking up something else that would enrich her life and give her a steady source of income once the money from the Pakery ran out, she decides to have a baby all on her own. Let me repeat that, with no job and no idea what she wants to do with her life, she decided it was time to have a baby all on her own. This doesn’t make any sense to me.

But Jane (Brook Elliot) wanted to be supportive of her friend, so she didn’t try to talk it through with her, but just went along with it. She’s a brilliant lawyer, and knows Stacy better than anyone. She should have tried to talk her out of having a baby on a whim.

I already didn’t like this storyline, but it began to really make me cringe when Stacy set her sights on Owen (Lex Medlin) as the sperm donor. No! Somebody talk her out of this! Please!

Jane was rightfully angry, because she still believed she and Owen would get back together, and thought it might be a little weird if they were married and Stacy was raising his baby. But even if they don’t get back together, she was in love with him, and still is, I think. Regardless of their future relationship, the fact that they were so serious would make Stacy having his baby really painful.

Stacy asked him anyway because even thought she normally deserves the pat name “sweetie” that Jane always calls her, in this situation she was being incredibly selfish.

Owen said no, so Jane went to talk to him. She gave him the super awkward ultimatum that either he should get back together with her or give Stacy his sperm. Because he obviously wouldn’t have any other reason for not wanting to be a sperm donor. Jeez.

But anyway, he changed his mind and said yes to Stacy. So that means that Owen and Jane are possibly over for good. And that everyone on this show has worse judgement than I thought.

Or this is going to be one of those things where he is going to do it, but at the last minute, he doesn’t want to close off the possibility of their future together, and he changes his mind. the next episode is the season finale, so you never know what might happen.

On the other hand, pregnant Kim (Kate Levering) is really cute, and had the opportunity to mend old issues with her father. And even though Parker (Josh Stamberg, who isn’t on the show this season), the father of her baby won’t be around when her baby is born, her father will be. He can make up for lost time with her by being there for her now.

And Grayson (Jackson Hurst) has a new squeeze in the form of a really beautiful secretary, Nicole (Annie Ilonzeh). They began as just a fling, but he really adorably asked her on a real date last night. And even though she seems a little snarky, she also seems to really like him. It’s about time he had a nice, easy relationship.

He’s been through a lot with his fiance dying, being left at the alter by someone else, and loving another woman who is supposed to marry a different man. And he’s still a sweetheart.

What did you think of Drop Dead Diva’s storyline? Should Owen be Stacy’s sperm donor? Has he really moved on?

Let us know what you think in the comments!

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Kaila Braley

Hi, I'm Kaila. I just finished my sophomore year of college, studying English, journalism and communications. I love books and TV shows almost as much as coffee and chocolate, as well as a little shopping here and there when I have the money for it.