Dungeon Defenders can now be downloaded for free from the Xbox Live Games Store.
The Trendy Entertainment tower defense and action role-playing game is available for free until March 31st, as part of Xbox 360’s Games with Gold program.
The Games with Gold program allows qualifying Xbox Live Gold members to receive two free Xbox 360 games per month. This deal continues on the 1st and 16th of every month until the end of the year.
Dungeon Defenders is a game where the player controls an apprentice of warriors and wizards. The goal is to keep hordes of enemies from destroying the map’s Eternia Crystals.
There are also four DLC packs available for Dungeon Defenders, but not as part of Games with Gold. Quest for the Eternal Shards (Part 1, Mistymire Forest), Quest for the Eternal Shards (Part 2, Morrago), Quest for the Eternal Shards (Part 3, Aquanos) and Quest for the Eternal Shards (Part 4, Sky City), can all be purchased for $3.99 USD each.
Will you be downloading your free copy of Dungeon Defenders before March 31st?