HP Pushes Out New Update On Discontinued HP TouchPad

HP Pushes Out New Update On Discontinued HP TouchPad

With HP and the HP TouchPad, the surprises just keep coming.

The HP TouchPad was discontinued back in August, when update to WebOS 3.04. That was all good and fine, but we figured that would be the last of the updates from HP.

But we figured wrong… Just a few days ago, our HP TouchPad announced through its screen that another update was ready for download. WebOS 3.05. The update, which updated our TouchPad over wi-fi with no difficulty, is reported by HP to include:

– enhances Email and Calendar core functions
– improvements the video calling experience
– improvements to the stability of watching videos in the Web app
– improved handing of certain MP3s
– when typing, pressing the space bar twice inserts a period
– support for HTTP Live Streaming

HP did not say if this was the final update or if they would continue development on the software for the discontinued tablet.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Faroh Sauder

Faroh Sauder has spent more than 30 years working as a journalist and educator. He has written on politics, international affairs, civil rights, and consumer education.

Now mostly retired, Faroh continues to stay current on tech and consumer issues and reports on his interests here at Consumer Press