NORAD’s Santa Tracker Upgraded | Phone Number, URL, Start Time, Apps

NORAD’s Santa Tracker Upgraded | Phone Number, URL, Start Time, Apps

Santa Clause is coming to town, and the ever-popular NORAD Santa Tracker has been upgraded just in time!

The NORAD Santa Tracker, now a veritable staple in many homes during the holiday, has been a very successful public relations venture by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in recent years.

NORAD has expanded and upgraded the tracking and reporting abilities of the tracker for Christmas 2012. The new system is powered by the business communications consulting firm Avaya.

According to NORAD, in years past, 1-877-HI-NORAD (1-877-446-6723) has received over one hundred thousand calls from children all over the globe to get a report on Santa’s progress.  The number for callers from outside of the United States is 719-556-5211.

This year, over one thousand volunteers will be available to track Santa and deliver messages to callers, all thanks to the new communications technology.  The call center will open for Santa tracking calls at 4 AM MST on Dec. 24 and remain open through the early morning hours of Dec. 25.

The website for the NORAD Santa Tracker is at:

NORAD also has Santa Tracker games on their site, and offers official NORAD Santa Tracker apps for Android, Windows and Apple smartphones and tablets.

The NORAD Santa Tracker program began back in 1955 by mistake when a child dialed a number that was a typo for a Santa hotline and reached the commander of the Continental Air Defense Command Operations Center in Colorado Springs.  Not wanting to spoil the fun, the commander instructed his staff to provide Santa updates to callers.

Will you call in or track Santa online this year?  Let us know in the comments section below!

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Jonell Peters

Jonell is a freelance writer, an early adopter of technology, a connoisseur of food, and an avid traveler. He loves reading about, understanding the details, and reporting on the latest and greatest consumer goods.