PlayStation 4 Beta Testing Offers On Facebook Are A Scam, Says Sony

PlayStation 4 Beta Testing Offers On Facebook Are A Scam, Says Sony

Sony is searching for people to beta test the new PlayStation 4, said a recent post making the rounds on Facebook

Successful applicants were being “chosen completely at random,” according to the message. Those chosen would be able to get and keep a PlayStation 4 beta tester as long as they share the post with their Friends and click “like” on the Facebook Page.

The viral message suggested it was from Sony.

Surprise – it’s not.

Sony released the following statement through PlayStation Europe (@PlayStationEU): “Just a reminder: Any site asking you to enter details to sign up for PS4 Beta testing are scams.”

It appears that at least some Facebook users were lured into the scam. One such Facebook page, though no longer active, can be seen in Bing’s cache (we don’t know how long that will last). It only garnered 190 likes by the time it was cached yesterday.

When active, the message said those who wished to test the upcoming PS4 must click a link.

The link would go to a webpage containing a “tester registration form”.

There the scammer could collect the users personal information. After the form was submitted, the scammer would then attempt to lure the user into other scams by continuing to offer additional prizes.

Have you seen these scams in action? Do you report them to Facebook, add a comment to warn others, or just ignore them? Tell us in the comments section below!

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Jantra Jacobs

Jantra Jacobs is a freelance writer currently based in Thailand. Some of her favourite things to do include writing, reading, and traveling. She loves being surrounded by nature, discovering new places and meeting new people.