Santa Tracker News: Santa On Way | Many Tracking Options Available

Santa Tracker News: Santa On Way | Many Tracking Options Available

Santa is on his way!

NORAD’s Santa Tracker 2012 has been activated and children can track Ole Saint Nick around the globe using via the Santa Tracker website, their phone service, or even though an app.

Live updates are also being posted on Twitter, Facebook and  Google+.

As of publication time, Santa has delivered presents to good little kids across Russia, Japan New Zealand, Australia and other countries, according to reports from NORAD.

This year, NORAD has expanded their Santa Tracker service to include phone bank volunteers who can help callers track Santa as he makes his way around the world delivering gifts to kids.

The call center is now open (as of 4 AM MST on Dec. 24) and will remain open through the early morning hours of Dec. 25.   The phone number is 1-877-HI-NORAD (1-877-446-6723) in the United states (outside of the United States, call 719-556-5211).

The website even has a FAQ with questions like, “When will Santa arrive at my house?”

The Santa Tracker app can be downloaded from the Santa Tracker site for free. The app is available for Apple, Windows, and Android devices.

NORAD’s Santa Tracker 2012 has been a hit for past years.  Let us know what you this of the Tracker this year!  Any surprises?  Did you (or your kids) learn some geography?

Have A Question? Ask Jessica!


Author Profile: Consumer Expert Jonell Peters

Jonell is a freelance writer, an early adopter of technology, a connoisseur of food, and an avid traveler. He loves reading about, understanding the details, and reporting on the latest and greatest consumer goods.

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