Sharknado Rips Into DVD Players Nationwide

Sharknado Rips Into DVD Players Nationwide

Sharknado rips into DVD Players nationwide with a new release on DVD.

The Sharknado phenomenon first played out on the SyFy Channel with a social media blitz that actually escalated subsequent airings of the campy horror movie.

On a strength of up to 5,000 tweets per minute, the movie went from 1.4 million viewers at its premiere on the SyFy channel to 1.9 million and then 2.1 million on subsequent airings.

In a bid to boost Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, Sharknado was actually shown in theaters nationwide for limited number of midnight showings ala Rocky Horror Picture Show, another cult classic.

The theatrical release of Sharknado was shown in roughly 200 Regal Cinema theaters over the course of a few days coinciding with Shark Week. Tara Reid, one of the stars of Sharknado, even made an appearance on Shark Week.

The DVD release for Sharknado is available at most retailers. Amazon has it priced at $11.99 with some of their retailers offering it for a few dollars less. It’s also available for instant digital viewing, $2.99 to rent and $9.99 to buy. Best Buy has Sharknado for $12.99 (out of stock), Walmart for $12.73, and Target for only $9.69.

These are Blu-Ray Widescreen prices because, let’s face it, how else would someone want to see Sharknado but in BluRay Widescreen?

If viewers are lucky, they will get to see the behind-the-scenes footage and gag reel that were added to the theatrical release, but there’s no guarantee that content is on the DVD release.

For a serious campy shark movie fix, don’t miss Sharktopus, Snow Shark, Dinoshark, Sand Sharks and the instant classic Attack of the Jurassic Shark. Yes, those are all actual movie titles available for purchase as well.

The Sharknado DVD release was incredibly fast to stores, but that’s probably a good thing to hit the cult fandom while they’re hot.

Did you get to see Sharknado yet?

Let me know what you thought of it in the comments below!