Tablet ownership is growing by leaps and bounds!
I know – not particularly surprising news to those who follow us here at CP. The number of stories we’ve done on tablets has increased dramatically over the last year. Nevertheless, it’s good to get confirmation.
The confirmation comes from a marketing reports from Futuresource. According to Gamasutra, Futuresource says tablet ownership will increase by as much as 200% in the US and Western Europe by the end of 2013. They are predicting that there will be almost 52 million tablets in the consumer market by the end of this year, and 152 million by the end of 2013. According to the report, most of that growth will be here in the US.
It’s interesting to note that the report indicates that tablet owners are more willing to pay for apps and smart phone owners. That may be good news for tablet app shoppers, as more and more developers will design apps specifically for tablets.
Futuresource is also predicting that Android will be closing the gap with Apple’s IOS over the next few years.
They did not mention Windows in their report. Windows has a tiny percentage of the smartphone, and practically no tablet, market right now. But it is predicted it will grow (albeit slowly). Here at CP we think shoppers may just embrace Windows 8 upon its release more enthusiastically than most suspect. Especially once begins to come standard on smartphones and tablets.