TWD Rewards Is A Mess

TWD Rewards Is A Mess

Code words – not revealed during Walking Dead shows.

Code words revealed – but the entry forms for them missing from the The Walking Dead Fan Rewards Site.

Physical merchandise fans are supposed to be able to purchase with their rewards points – completely sold out for weeks on end.

Points that fans are supposed to be getting for tweets, retweets, and purchases on – missing.

These are the frustrations that participants in The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead Fan Rewards Club have been contending with over the last few months.

@Akicita33 wrote on twitter“At this point ‘Fan rewards are just a cruel joke you are playing on those of us who have loved this show and community. Please stop treating us this way, we deserve better. #twdrewards”

@audbeachvixen tweeted: “I just scrolled and they took ALL OF MY POINTS From RT’s & Hashtags Away!!!!!! THIS IS BULL****”

@jpgrafx wrote: “what happened to our new “weekly rewards” that are not enough for people to participate in? This is getting really old! thanks for treating your fans like this! #twdrewards”

@GailHen93956953 tweeted: “I have made 2 separate purchases to the SHOP TWD and have not received my points for either one of them. How and who do I contact about this issue?#TWDrewards”

@Fawn_Liebowitz tweeted: “So that’s it for this week? A couple tickets to a premiere? Nothing else? @WalkingDead_AMC has all that merchandise in their shop but can’t offer up so much as a t-shirt so once again no one can redeem their points #TWDRewards”

@Comixbear wrote: I’ve been doing the ‘fan rewards’ for a long time now. Lately the showing of the codewords has been hit or miss, the rewards are non-existent & the promised points from last week’s missed code still hasn’t shown. Why do I still do this?? @twdrewards”

TWD Rewards’ response to the complaints on Twitter?


AMC’s response to Consumer Press contacting their press office three times over the last two weeks to ask them about the complaints, the missing code words and missing entry forms (as documented on our Walking Dead Rewards Codes page)?


Perhaps @Akicita33 said it best when she tweeted: I hope whatever intern you’ve had running the fan rewards for the summer has learned how to NOT run a fan rewards program. #twdrewards”

What has your experience with AMC’s The Walking Dead Fans Rewards Club been like?

Tell us about it below, and be sure to share this post with your friends and fellow fans. They’ll appreciate knowing they aren’t the only ones frustrated by the missing code words and other issues.

Have A Question? Ask Jessica!


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