A growing number of users on the Google Chrome product forum are reporting that their Chrome browsers will not open.
The problem has been reported by users on Windows 7, 8, and 10.
Google rolled out a new version of Chrome on September 1. Version 45.0.2454 is the first in the ’45’ series to be released. According to Wikipedia, this update included the permanent disabling of NPAPI plug-ins and a number of other fixes and improvements.
The speculation at this point is that certain users are being affected as automatic updates roll out or when they manually update to version 45.
Many of the users complaining on the forum also report they are using Comodo as their firewall and antivirus program. It’s unclear if this is related though. One user on the forum reported that turning off Comodo made no difference. We experienced the same results in testing here at CP, turning off and disabling Comodo made no difference.
****update 9/7/2015***
Comodo has released their own fix – click here for the latest info
Another user on the forum, under the name Alberto Ponte, suggested this as a fix:
To solve the problem follow this steps:
1- Open the COMODO;2– Click on HIPS;3– In “HIPS Settings” the last option “Detect shellcode injection” click on “Exclusions”;4- Click the right mouse button and click on “ADD”> “Files” and goto “C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Google \ Chrome \ Application \” select “chrome.exe” and click on “Open”;5- Click on “OK”;6- Close COMODO and run Chrome.
Several users on the forum said this worked for them. Another user reported that it helped to add chrome.exe to their Comodo anti-virus exclusions list as well. This worked for us too, though we do not know the security ramifications of this fix.
Users are reporting that they are able to download and use Chrome Canary, Google’s cutting-edge, experimental, version of Chrome, as an alternative to changing Comodo’s security settings. We tested and found this worked for us as a temporary fix. However, extensions installed on our regular Chrome browser do not appear on Canary.
Google has not offered any solutions at this point. Their only response on the Chrome forum so far has been to ask some stock questions that don’t actually apply to the problem that users are reporting.
Is your Chrome browser crashing when you try to open it?
Tell us about it in our comments section – and if you’ve found a solution, don’t keep it to yourself!
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