It looks like the Galaxy S4 is going to be released in April, at least in the UK.
As of now, only one carrier in UK, Everything Elsewhere, has provided a release date for the handset; April 26.
U.S carriers haven’t confirmed any release dates so far, but 6 of them have confirmed they’ll have the device in stock. The carriers include Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, AT&T, Cricket Wireless and U.S Cellular.
AT&T and T-Mobile have made the first move by putting up sign-up pages. Those interested in information about Galaxy S4 from the carriers can sign up to receive alerts.
T-Mobile’s sign up page has a teaser image, while AT&T’s sign up page shows an empty box.
AT&T’s page is focused on three features; Smart Scroll, High quality camera and WatchOn.
T-Mobile, on the other hand, has included the same features, but leaves out Smart Scroll for Air Gestures.
You can check out all the features of the handset here.
Meanwhile, the case makers have already announced cases for the yet-to-be released phone.
Which carrier do you hope to buy a Galaxy S4 from?